Referring a Student
All members of the TCU community are encouraged to be aware of warning signs of possible substance abuse and refer students to the Substance Use & Recovery Services office (817-257-7100) for further assessment and resources. Warning signs include:
- A drop in academic performance
- Skipping class frequently
- Loss of initiative
- Isolating his or herself
- Change in personal hygiene
If you are concerned about a student’s substance use and its impact on that student’s success, speak with the student about your concerns and encourage her/him to make an appointment with the office. They may also contact us if they have any questions.
Consultations: The TCU Substance Use & Recovery Services staff is available to consult with concerned family, friends, faculty or staff about a student in need. Our staff can provide general advice on how to approach a student in need and give information about possible referrals. Due to laws protecting the privacy of clients, the office may not disclose whether a student is a client without a signed Release of Information form.